Is It Time for Your Spring Tune Up

Time for spring tune up
If you believe Winnipeg winter weather is hard on you and your family, imagine the toll it takes on your automobile. After months of snow, sand and salt, do you even know what color your car is let alone what it’s like to have a clean vehicle.
Now that the weather is warmed up it’s time to give your car a fresh, clean look, and while your cleaning, make sure the winter months didn’t do any internal damage.
Time for that spring tune up. Fill your wiper fluid, coolants, and check your car’s other fluids to prevent overheating and other nasty problems.
Check your windshield wiper blade insure the rubber is still attached to the arm, and your wipers will work to maximum effect.IE is the arm bend not making 100% contact with the windshield.
Winter is hard on your tires. With a wet, rainy spring heading our way tire tread is very important. Tires with 2/23rd of an inch of tread or less are dangerous. To test how much tread a tires has, Insert a quarter into a tire tread with the caribou nose down and facing you. If the tire tread covers the tip of the nose, it’s good. If you can see the tip of the nose, it’s time to bring your vehicle in check all 4 tires.
Try avoiding pot holes that the cold weather created each time you dip into a pothole, the inner workings of the car is rattled and bumped, a thorough internal inspection of brakes, tires and tie rods is a good idea. Belts and hoses are especially vulnerable to extreme temperature changes, now is the time to have these and other items looked at by our professionally trained staff of experts
One thing you don’t think about after the weather warms is your car’s battery. Even though the bitter cold won’t be affecting the battery, corrosion and filth that built up over the winter may have taken a toll. After the hard work your battery put in over the winter it doesn’t hurt to clean and test it now.
Book your appointment by calling 204 885-5900 or drop by today