Our Best Auto Tips
Did you know that Canadian Super Shop has over 35 years of experience in the automobile industry? Our enthusiasm for everything automotive knows no bounds. Whether you’re an experienced mechanic or just starting out, we’ve got you covered. Imagine capturing the shine of a freshly polished engine or the thrill of resolving a persistent problem under the hood. Our articles can help you through it all. So, grab your reading glasses, a cup of coffee, and get started.
Prepare your Vehicle for Winter in Manitoba
Prepare your Vehicle for Winters Manitoba winters can be tough on cars, so drivers should prepare well before the worst conditions hit. Here are useful tips to help you prepare your vehicle for winter in Manitoba. Shelter Your Car If you have the ability to put your car in a
MPI Winter Tire Program
MPI Winter Tire program what is it? Preparing for a long, hard winter is one extra financial burden we could all do without. We are made of hardy stuff in Manitoba and a foot or two of snow doesn’t phase us, or our ability to drive. However, using the same
Back To School Car Tips
Our best back to school car tips It’s that time of year when students are thinking about getting ready to go back to school. Not only do they need to be ready but their car should be prepared for the busy months ahead. If you need to drive back home
How to Jump start your car
How to jump to start your car Knowing how to jump start your car may just save you from what could be a very frustrating experience. The most irritating time many car owners do not want to get into is that of a car that will not start when you
Automotive Air Conditioning Service
Automotive Air Conditioning Service Summer is here and things are heating up, and so will you if you haven’t gotten round to having your Automotive Air Conditioning Service. What should be a relaxing drive could leave you feeling like you’re being baked in an oven if the air-con system has
Engine upgrades – you may need more brake power
Nееd a brake uрgrаdе? We аrе your best bеt. Cаr brаkе uрgrаdеѕ аrе оnе оf the mоѕt іmроrtаnt things you can do tо gеt thаt соmреtіtіvе реrfоrmаnсе package, as уоu аdd more роwеr tо уоur car’s engine; hаvіng thе braking force tо hаrnеѕѕ thіѕ power аt speed becomes mоrе and
Nitrogen Versus Air in your Tires
Nitrogen versus Air in your Tires Tires are designed and built to provide many miles of reliable service but must be properly maintained for them to do so. The key element of proper tire maintenance is proper tire inflation. The recommended tire pressures actually originate from the vehicle manufacturer and
Four Versus Two Winter Tires: Which Is Best?
Four Versus Two Winter Tires: Which Is Best? If you live in an area that experiences snowy or icy conditions in the winter months, hitting the road means paying close attention to conditions and adjusting your driving accordingly. Driving slower, braking easier, and allowing more distance between vehicles are all
Winter Rims and Tires for Winnipeg Winters
Should you install new winter rims and tires There’s about a 50-50 chance that when you buy a vehicle from the lot, the original equipment wheels will be made of steel. While steel wheels are definitely durable and are often used as winter wheels, aluminum wheels offer a handful of
Correctly Fit Winter Tires
How to Correctly Fit Winter Tires to Your Vehicle Are you thinking of fitting winter tires to your vehicle? If you decide to fit winter tires on your car, you should know that it is highly advised to go for a set of four wheels. Indeed, by fitting two different
All Season Tires Vs Winter Tires – Which is right for you and your vehicle
Many Drivers in Manitoba ask themselves, All season tires vs winter tires: what do I need?. “Do I need winter tires if I have all-season tires on my car?” The short answer is, probably. To understand what tires you’ll need, you must first understand the differences in winter tires vs
How to Improve Your Cars Braking Performance
Need a brake upgrade? Wanting better braking performance? Let us help you to improve your vehicles braking performance. An upgrade to the brake systems on your car is one of the most prudent performance modifications you can buy, and it can be one of the most satisfying. As drivers, we